XE - Online Meeting - Intelligenza Artificiale

venerdì 17 aprile 2020

Il primo esperimento di meeting online fatto a fine marzo è stato positivo. Ripetiamo quindi l'esperienza con la stessa formula: una chiacchierata su un argomento di interesse comune con la partecipazione di colleghi esperti.
Questa volta tratteremo un argomento di cui abbiamo parlato raramente: Intelligenza artificiale. In questo momento storico questa tecnologia ci può aiutare? A che punto siamo? Che progetti interessanti esistono nel mercato? Come possiamo integrare questi algoritmi nei nostri progetti?

Ospiti della serata:

  • Gianni Rosa Gallina
    Gianni is Windows Development MVP since 2011, focused on emerging technologies, AI and Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality since 2013. Currently he is R&D Senior Software Engineer in Deltatre's Innovation Lab, designing and prototyping next generation solutions for sport related experiences and services, from VR/MR apps to end-to-end Azure architectures, passing by Cognitive Services, AI and much more. Besides that, he's an active member of the local community “Torino Technologies Group” (TTG), "Deltatre Innovation Lab Academy" meetups organizer and speaker, organizer and trainer for Coding Gym Torino monthly meetups, Pluralsight online courses author, publish articles on his blog and he's speaker in national and international tech conferences and events.

  • Clemente Giorio
    Hacker, geek, maker, researcher, innovator, trainer, developer...
    Has made science and technology his passion other than his job.
    Follows many communities and is often actively involved as a speaker and event organizer in particular with: Coding Gym, DotNetPodcast, FabLabNapoli, DotNetCampania and HoloLens Developers.
    His signature dishes, far from the stove, are: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Internet of Things, Natural User Interface and Mixed Reality.
    Microsoft MVP and Intel Software Innovator, works as Senior Research & Development Engineer for Deltatre, where he develops software prototypes.